Poop Thoughts & Deep Shit.
Poop Thoughts & Deep Shit
- By Anonymous Analogist
Everything’s Broken. But No One’s Talking About It.
India, my friend. A dumpster fire inside a crumbling building, inside another dumpster fire. All the while, everyone’s walking around pretending to be fine. It’s like we’ve all agreed to play a game of “Who Can Ignore Reality The Longest” while the world is literally collapsing around us. And the sad part? We’re all so busy scrolling through Instagram or binge-watching the same tired reality shows that no one’s even questioning the fact that this place is on fire. But it’s okay! We’ve got memes, so we’re good, right?
We’ve got a system that’s like a bad joke—the punchline is the misery of the masses—and it’s a joke no one’s laughing at, except the ones in charge. The politicians? They’re like the guy at the party who keeps spilling his drink, then asks you to clean it up while he’s too busy pouring himself another round. The system? It’s like a rusty old toilet that won’t flush, and somehow we’re still trying to sit on it like everything’s fine.
But hey, we’re all here, aren’t we? Just trying to survive the absurdity.
The System: A Rigged Carnival of Mediocrity
The system in India? Oh man, if it were a carnival, it’d be a Ferris wheel that doesn’t go anywhere, a roller coaster that throws you off mid-ride, and a ring toss game where the rings are the size of the holes, so no one ever wins.
You know, every election season, we get hit with this glorious promise of change—a new government, a fresh face, and this time, they really mean it. But by the time they’ve settled in, their big promises are about as useful as a wet firecracker. The same roads remain full of potholes, the same hospitals are full of beds with broken springs, and the only thing that really changes is the number of empty promises on billboards.
Seriously, we’ve got more schemes than we have actual solutions. The politicians say, “Trust us!” But how can we, when they keep handing us broken toys and telling us they’re “tools of progress”? No, they’re just tools, alright—but the only thing they’re building is their bank accounts.
At this point, the whole system is like one big corporate-sponsored circus: the performers (us) are expected to applaud, while the clowns (politicians) keep stealing the show. But hey, it’s fine, because they promised a better tomorrow—except that tomorrow’s always tomorrow, and by the time it arrives, it’s been forgotten.
The People: Divided by Stupidity, United by Indifference
The people of India? Well, we’re the cattle in the carnival, happily following the herd, even though we’re heading toward a cliff. We love to talk about unity, but honestly, we’re united in one thing: our utter inability to give a damn about anything that requires actual action.
We love complaining. We’re really good at it. But ask us to actually do something about it, and suddenly, it’s like we’ve been handed a rubber spoon and told to eat soup. We demand change but won’t even change our own habits. We’re the most apathetic activists in the world. We’ll rage on WhatsApp groups, but when it comes to voting or even showing up at protests, we’d rather stay home, binge-watch the latest season of whatever show has people pretending they care about anything.
And yet, every election cycle, we fall for it again. “This time, we’ll make a difference!” we tell ourselves. And yet, we still throw the same votes at the same people who’ve been lying to us since before we were born. It's like we're trapped in a loop of self-inflicted stupidity, but we’re too lazy to hit reset. Maybe we don’t want change after all. Maybe we just want to keep bitching without actually lifting a finger to fix anything.
But hey, at least we’re good at self-sabotage, right?
The Economy: Wealth is for the 1%, the Rest of Us Can Keep on Scraping
The economy in India is like a bad buffet—the rich are at the front of the line, filling up their plates with golden dishes, while the rest of us are left with whatever’s left after the free samples. It’s like that episode of “Shark Tank” where the investors are already stinking rich, and they’re looking at your half-baked idea for a business and telling you, “Nice try, but no.” Meanwhile, they’re out there making millions off of ideas they probably didn’t even come up with themselves.
Want to know the real joke? They tell us the economy is growing, but if you’re part of the 99%, it’s like running on a hamster wheel that keeps speeding up. You’re doing everything you can to keep up, but the wheel just keeps getting bigger, and you’re still stuck with debt, taxes, and inflation eating you alive. Meanwhile, the rich keep building skyscrapers on land that’s barely a couple of inches above the toxic slums we’re all supposed to ignore.
At this rate, the only thing “growing” is the gap between the wealthy elite and the rest of us just trying to survive.
Education: The Factory of Fake Scholars
And then there’s education, where we keep pretending that rote memorization and useless degrees are going to solve the world’s problems. The Indian education system is like a factory line that churns out robotic graduates who don’t know how to think, just how to memorize and repeat. It’s like training people to pass tests, not to actually solve problems. Want to learn how to think critically or be creative? Sorry, that’s not in the syllabus.
It’s like we’re forcing square pegs into round holes—shoving kids through an outdated system that doesn’t teach them about the real world. Sure, you’ll get a degree, but good luck trying to find a job that doesn’t require you to have a degree in managing failure. Meanwhile, the system tells us, “It’s okay, you just need to work harder!” Yeah, well, how’s that working for the unemployed masses and the unpaid interns?
The Environment: One Big Garbage Dump in Disguise
Oh, the environment. India’s big garbage dump that’s too pretty to acknowledge. Sure, we’ll all proudly post about how we “care” about the planet, but when it comes to actually doing something, it’s like we all agreed to play pretend. Plastic everywhere, rivers full of garbage, and skies so polluted that we’re all just breathing in a big cloud of apathy.
Politicians and corporations will talk a big game about saving the planet, but meanwhile, we’re watching rivers get turned into toilets, trees get chopped down for the next luxury mall, and smog so thick you can’t even see the sky. It’s like watching a guy with a broken umbrella trying to stop the flood with a few broken pieces of wood. Spoiler: it’s not working.
Final Thoughts: We’re All In This Mess Together
Here’s the deal, folks: we’re all stuck in the same giant cesspool of nonsense. And the real question is: do we want to keep pretending it’s not full of shit, or do we finally face the fact that everything in India is completely messed up—and it’s not going to fix itself unless we get up and do something about it?
So let’s call a spade a spade. The system is broken. The people are confused. The economy is rigged. Education’s a joke. And the environment? It’s barely hanging on. But maybe, just maybe, if we stop playing along with this sad excuse for a game, we can start making real change. Or maybe we’ll just keep shoveling more shit into the toilet and praying that it magically disappears.
It’s all up to us now. The shit show is ours to either endure or change.
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