
The Root Problem That Holds India Back: Why Your Life Is the Way It Is?

Have you ever wondered why life in India feels like a constant struggle? Why do things never seem to improve, no matter who is in power? Why do you deal with the same problems—corruption, inefficiency, inequality, and chaos—generation after generation? The answer isn’t just "bad leaders" or "bad policies." It’s something much deeper —a mindset that has shaped Indian society for thousands of years. The Invisible Problem: A Mindset of Acceptance & Hierarchy At the core of India’s problems is a deep-rooted belief system that has existed for centuries. Here’s how it affects us: 1. We accept hierarchy instead of demanding equality. From kings to politicians, from caste to corporate offices—Indians are conditioned to obey authority rather than challenge it. We don’t see leaders as public servants but as rulers who must be followed. That’s why corruption thrives—because people accept it as “just how things are.” 2. We tolerate suffering instead of deman...

Poop Thoughts & Deep Shit.

Poop Thoughts & Deep Shit - By Anonymous Analogist Everything’s Broken. But No One’s Talking About It. India, my friend. A dumpster fire inside a crumbling building, inside another dumpster fire. All the while, everyone’s walking around pretending to be fine. It’s like we’ve all agreed to play a game of “Who Can Ignore Reality The Longest” while the world is literally collapsing around us. And the sad part? We’re all so busy scrolling through Instagram or binge-watching the same tired reality shows that no one’s even questioning the fact that this place is on fire. But it’s okay! We’ve got memes, so we’re good, right? We’ve got a system that’s like a bad joke—the punchline is the misery of the masses—and it’s a joke no one’s laughing at, except the ones in charge. The politicians? They’re like the guy at the party who keeps spilling his drink, then asks you to clean it up while he’s too busy pouring himself another round. The system? It’s like a rusty old toilet that won’t flush, a...